I had a vision to create a safe haven for moms where we could hold space for one another while sharing the ups and downs of motherhood. Last Friday that vision came to fruition during Sanity Circle for Moms.
My teaching heart was full from sharing tools like heart holds, box breath, oracle cards, and crystals. But my mom heart was exploding with joy from the willingness and openness these moms had to be real and vulnerable by sharing their journey in motherhood.
Motherhood can be beautiful and rewarding and at the same time overwhelming and challenging. We discussed ALL of it!
If there’s any take away these amazing moms took with them last night I hope they remember that it’s important to celebrate their wins they have made as moms. We lean so much into all the things we “think” we are doing wrong as moms and for a multitude of reasons. We HAVE to remember to remind ourselves for every fail we may think we have there are just as many wins if not more.
A tool I shared with them is every night is to write in ther journal I provided them one Mommy Win for the day before they go to bed. Then in the morning wake up and read that win so they remind themselves of just how wonderful of a mom they are.
I’m so grateful these moms took two hours on a Friday night to practice self-care and self-love by filling up their cup and the cups of the other moms with friendship and community.
I hope to see them, and you, at the next Sanity Circle for Moms on Friday, June 14th.